Getting Started Doesn’t Have to Be Ultra Expensive Contrary to the impression you might have gotten from reading various articles and social media posts, being a long-range shooter doesn’t have to cost you half a year’s salary. Sure, you can spend well over $10,000 for a custom shooting rig and get a great set up. But there […]

by JAY CHAMBERS at Minute Man Review Sometimes, it’s hard to stay away from distractions. Everyone’s mind can drift. It’s annoying, and it can also happen when you’re shooting. Keeping your focus can be really difficult, but it’s necessary if you want to have confidence with your shot and effectively hit the target. Here are […]

For decades, the standard distance for zeroing a centerfire rifle was 100 yards. But with so many of today’s shooters going long range for hunting and competition, it would seem to make sense to zero your rifle at a great distance, like 200 yards or more. Right? Not so, notes Curt Vaughn, veteran long-distance shooting […]

Jay Chambers at Minute Man Review is a passionate shooter and hunter. He also knows his stuff, having tested and reviewed hundreds of rifles, scopes and various setups. So when he recently wrote about the importance of using a Ballistic Calculator, and then featured BALLISTIC, we were honored! Read his article below, and also check […]

Our good friend, Brian McCombie, an experienced hunter and leading writer, recapped a recent Axis Deer hunt in Texas. Read his fantastic ARTICLE and how BALLISTIC gave him the confidence to take a long-range shot. Going Long For Axis Deer: Hunting a Free-Ranging Texas Exotic by BRIAN MCCOMBIE on JUNE 2, 2019 The Texas sun was just beginning to drop […]
Quick Tip: Practice Makes Perfect And Ballistic Makes Your Shooting Practice More Productive
May 29th, 2019 by team

For the long-range rifle shooter who wants to excel, there’s really no substitute for regular practice, at the range and in the field. Ballistic can be a huge help during practice sessions, too, assisting us through various environmental conditions and as we work to tighten our groups. A very necessary part of practice is drilling in correct […]

Gainesville, GA (June 2019) No doubt, your father got at least some of his long-range shooting ideas from his father. Ideas like, “Zero three inches high at 100 yards, and you can take on any deer out to 300 yards,” and, “If the leaves flutter, the wind’s at 5MPH. Leaves are flipping over 10MPH!”Today, Dad knows that precision […]

Great coverage of BALLISTIC in American Handgunner’s article, “A Closer Look at Phone Apps” “BALLISTIC Advanced Edition is chock full of goodies. Lots of shooting interactive set-ups, caliber/trajectory comparisons, pretty much a you-name-it-and-it’s-there feature list. Hold over advice, ballistic calculators and it’s evidently a go-to source for long distance shooting.”

How to Set Up Your Rifle and Scope for Long-Range Dialingis a great article by Aram von Benedikt, and outlines a recent hunt including the equipment, setup and steps he took to be ready for that perfect shot. Read the article HERE

It’s not exactly breaking news that wind is a top reason why our long-range shots miss. Among the many wind-related factors a shooter must consider is wind drift. Wind drift is the wind’s ability to push your projectile in a particular direction as the projectile makes its way downrange. For example, a 10 mile-per-hour […]