Hunting the Western States: A Good Rangefinder + Ballistic = Successful Hunt!
November 23rd, 2020 by BALLISTIC

Outdoors Solutions: Hunting and Fishing Destinations specializes in sending clients on hunting and fishing trips. One of the company’s most requested outings is a Western States hunt for elk, mule deer or pronghorn antelope. “For a lot of people, it is the hunt of a lifetime,” says Greg Ray, Outdoor Solutions founder and co-owner. “We warn […]

Marksmanship is all about maintaining proper form. Developing the required habits that promote accuracy will ensure you are on target each and every shot. In this article, you will learn the tips that will help you build confidence and hit your targets. To aim a target and achieve the desired result, the first step is […]
Selecting a Scope for Your Rifle
August 28th, 2020 by BALLISTIC

You purchased your first rifle dedicated to long-range shooting. Congratulations! Now, it’s time to add a quality scope. One that will let you shoot with precision at a distance but can also dial down for closer shots. One that performs well in low-light situations, and one that features exact and repeatable adjustments. Where should you […]
Buying Your First Long-Range Rifle
August 27th, 2020 by BALLISTIC

The recent surge in first-time gun buyers also has gun shops reporting more interest than ever from first-timers who want to shoot for distance and precision. The growing popularity of long-range shooting has many manufacturers producing more long-range bolt-action rifles today than ever before. This is the good news. The problem is, how does the […]

Fall hunting seasons are coming up fast, and now is the time to get ready. The smart hunter will use Ballisticand our 4-Step Process to ensure their summer shooting preparation is as efficient as possible. STEP 1: ChronographingAt the shooting range, begin by chronographing the various hunting rounds to be used later in the year to […]

For most people, “Barometric Pressure” is just a number on the weather app, and often ignored because we want the crucial info: Is there rain on the way? Warm today, or cold? For the long-range shooter, though, barometric pressure is a significant factor in making solid hits. There’s no better way to factor in the […]

This Father’s Day, do something a little different with your son or grandson and spend some time bonding while cleaning your firearms. Yes, cleaning guns is probably the least fun part of being a long-range shooter or hunter. But it can be a great learning experience for you and your child or grandchild. Start by […]

As a long-range shooter, you know all too well that wind is the top obstacle to making a perfect shot. However, if you use Ballistic, the #1 ballistic app, you can overcome the wind and its adverse effects on your bullet’s path. Logan Brown in an experienced long-range competitive shooter and Pro Staff Shooter for Ballistic. What is his first […]

You purchased the rifle, the optic and the ammunition, and then downloaded the #1 app for long-range shooting -> BALLISTIC. You are ready for some serious shooting practice with your new long-range rig. But are you ready? Actually, if you are heading to the range, you will need several pieces of gear to make the […]
BALLISTIC Featured in Range365
March 19th, 2020 by BALLISTIC

Our good friend, Mike Shea, an experienced shooter and leading writer at Range365, just released a fantastic article on how using your smartphone will help your long range shooting. Read his very helpful ARTICLE and learn how to have the confidence to take a long-range shot. Ballistic Basics: How to Program Your Smartphone for Long-Range Shooting […]